sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Fuera de serie

El violinista.

Ya dije que me gustaba la música clásica, así que también pinté un violinista, aunque éste no únicamente por motivos musicales... Es mi abuelo, un hombre peculiar, porque ser violinista, poeta y protestante en España, en los años treinta, te convertía en poco menos que un bicho raro, tanto, que en la guerra y en la post-guerra, fue perseguido por republicanos por creer en Dios, y por los fascistas por ser protestante respectivamente.

10 comentarios:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the wonderful compliment you gave me. This painting is excellent - you have captured the mood quite dramatically.

  2. thank you very much. now i´m glad for your visit to my place, i hope read you again in my blog and, of course see your work at yours.

  3. Very nice painting. I do not speak or read Spanish unfortunately but I have lots of friends here at work who do, so I could read your post. Your grandfather must have been a strong individualist to prevail in the face of persecution from both political sides.

  4. Great painting, very strong brushwork and a bold composition, just wish I could speak spanish. Oh and thanks for visiting my blog by the way

  5. thank you for spent a couple of minutes in visiting my blog and thank you too for your words about my work.
    i want say you too that if you want to read what i write, you can translate whole the blog with a tool above.
    thank you again.

  6. thanks - never spotted that before, i'll give it a go

  7. Hello Benjaminlois
    This is a moving picture. You must be proud of your Granfather.

  8. hi trevor and thank you. although i did not know him, i know his story and i think he was very very strong.

  9. Hola Benjamin! De verdad que es fuera de serie, son de esas obras que valen mucho, tiene un toque de misterio, de fuerza como lo mencionaron ya y con "soul". Pocas veces me atrevo a usar grises, me gusta la manera como los manejas.

  10. muchas gracias amedina!! es un placer leer tu comentario. a mi me encanta el gris, pero con negro hecho, n el negro comercial. es mejor hacerlo con azul ultramar oscuro y tierra sombra tostada.
