sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Números (cinco)

En la pequeña colección de cuadros relacionados con números que he colgado me salté el Cinco, entre otras cosas porque no lo tenía hecho... Pero aquí está. El contraste es claro y que cada uno piense lo que quiera.

4 comentarios:

  1. Benjaminlois, Wondering how you are. Your blog is becoming somewhat erratic. Hope to see more of your creative work soon. Regards.

  2. Thank you Candace for visiting. erratic? I do not think so.changed maybe. I like change, test ... I do not like to limit myself to one style or content.

  3. Benjaminlois. Not erratic in quality or style. I was concerned that you were okay after reading your post on selling your portfolio. You're a favorite blog. I'd be disappointed if Quadrawphenia went silent.

  4. thank you Candace for writing again in this post and telling me that very kind words. Fankly, i don´t want to sell my paintings, not yet.. but this times we live are very hard and i need an exit right now!! thank you very much for appreciate my blog!
